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ROBDEKON presents three decontamination robots at KERNTECHNIK 2024

From June 11 to 13, 2024, operators, manufacturers, suppliers, authorities and organizations from research and academia will meet again at the trade fair in Leipzig to discuss the latest developments and research results in the field of nuclear technology. ROBDEKON will be there with a booth and will show the current state of development of robotic systems.

For 2.5 days, visitors can learn about safety, trends, dismantling and waste treatment in technical sessions, poster sessions and the industrial exhibition. At the exhibition, the ROBDEKON partners Fraunhofer IOSB, KIT-TMB, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences and FZI will present the following autonomous robotic systems that can be used for the decontamination and dismantling of nuclear facilities:

  • Contamination array for release measurement: The contamination array was developed at KIT-TMB for the dismantling process of nuclear power plants. It measures the degree of radioactive contamination on wall surfaces. This tool is used to research the automation of contamination measurements, which previously had to be carried out manually. It consists of four contamination detectors, a laser scanner for scanning the surface and several linear units to enable the detectors to be moved horizontally and vertically.

  • Exploration platform GammaBot: For the fully automated dismantling of nuclear facilities, contaminated buildings must be recorded, decontaminated and released. The exploration robot GammaBot from the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences can autonomously record environmental structures in nuclear facilities and measure the existing local dose rate. For this task, the focus is on the usability of the exploration platform GammaBot by the user.

  • Robot platform Husky: The robot platform of the FZI Research Center for Information Technology is designed to protect humans from the dangers of contaminated environments by having Husky perform manipulation tasks in potentially contaminated facilities. A 3D mapping framework was developed for this purpose to create high-resolution maps of the environment that can be used for both motion planning and intuitive human-robot interaction at the control station.

The ROBDEKON team at the KERNTECHNIK 2024 exhibition booth. © Fraunhofer IOSB

Further information about the event can be found at https://kerntechnik.com/de.